INHS Conference 2024

Dynamics of Hate: Examining Interdisciplinary Perspectives

International Network for Hate Studies Biennial Conference: Call for Papers

25-27 November 2024

Co-hosted by the University of South Africa and the Psychological Society of South Africa

The International Network for Hate Studies (INHS) is delighted to announce its plans and put a call out for papers for our fifth conference “Dynamics of Hate: Examining Interdisciplinary Perspectives”. Co-hosted by the University of South Africa (Unisa) and the Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA), this will be the first INHS conference to be held in the Southern Hemisphere, in Cape Town, South Africa, from 25th to 27th November 2024 at Century City Conference Centre ( We look forward to engaging with colleagues and friends for our first in-person conference since 2018.

The dynamics of hate and hostility are tragically ever-present as we reach a quarter of our way through the 21st century. Hate occurs in many guises that limit the capacity of individuals and communities to engage in society. Through interdisciplinary communication, working and research it is possible to develop, enhance and build challenges to hate and hostility as well as support those victimised and marginalised because of its vagaries. This conference provides an opportunity for academics, policy makers, practitioners, and activists to come together to share their knowledge and expertise within the area of hate studies and as such inform change.

Key Dates

Abstract submission opens – 25 March 2024

Call for abstracts closes – 12th July 2024

Conference Registration Opens – 08 April 2024

Notification to authors – (no later than) 1 month of receipt of abstract

Abstract Submission Process

Abstracts from any area of hate studies are welcome, but the themes below may be considered:

  • Hate crime and hate speech
  • Legislating against hate crime: law, policy, interpretation
  • Extremism and counter-extremism
  • Protection of and assistance to hate crime victims
  • Hate crime specialisation – police, prosecution, civil society….
  • Evidence: proving hate
  • Data gaps: local, national, and international
  • Teaching “hate” at universities
  • Hate crime victims: evidencing impact
  • Thin line between institutional and individual discrimination and prejudice
  • Critical approaches to hate studies

Abstracts can be submitted for any of the following:

  • Paper (a paper presented in 15-20 minutes that will be allocated to a Panel/Symposium dictated by the conference theme and core issues in Hate Studies)
  • Panel/Symposium (a set of 3-4 papers presented in 15–20-minute slots followed by 30 minutes discussion)
  • Discussion Panel (a set of 5 individual papers presenting 5 slides in 5-minute slots, followed by an hour of discussion)
  • Roundtable (a discussion session with no formal presentation of papers)
  • Poster Presentation (posters are displayed throughout the conference and authors are available at a set time to discuss their work).

Abstracts for papers should be submitted here:

Conference Timetable

The proposed timetable for the conference is as follows:

25 November 2024Delegate arrivalsDelegate arrivalsINHS Advisory Board Meeting (members only)Welcome Cocktail Event
26 November 2024 (09:00-18:00)Plenary 1Papers/Panels/ SymposiaPapers/Panels/SymposiaOptional Conference Dinner (pre-purchased tickets only)
27 November 2024 (09:00-17:00)Plenary 2Papers/Panels/ SymposiaPapers/Panels/SymposiaConference closeDelegate departures  
28 November 2024Delegate departuresOptional excursion (pre-purchased tickets only)Delegate departuresOptional excursion (pre-purchased tickets only) 

Registration Fees

*Registration fees will be as follows:

Pre-Booking – Register & pay by 08 May 2024: ZAR 3,700.00 (Euro: €180.00; USD: $198.00)
Early Bird – Register & pay by 08 July 2024: ZAR 4,100.00 (Euro: €198.00; USD: $218.00)
Standard – Register & pay from 09 July 2024: ZAR 4,500.00 (Euro: €218.00; USD: $240.00)

**Students – Register & pay from 08 April 2024: ZAR 3,200.00 (Euro: €155.00; USD: $171.00)

**Students must be studying full time and confirmation of registration status from the department head must accompany the registration.


PLEASE NOTE: ACCOMMODATION BOOKING HAS NOW BEEN RELEASED – HERE. Use the code INHS to book ‘Urban Square’ and ‘Bridgewater’ on Century City’s website.

Please forward any queries by email to the conference team at:

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