The International Network for Hate Studies was set up in 2013. It is a cross-jurisdictional and interdisciplinary organisation that aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge about the study of hate and hate crime. Run by academics and practitioners, it seeks to not only understand the root causes of hate and hate crime, but to understand ways in which it can be combated in society. Hate has no borders and, with the proliferation of online sources and resources, its study needs a multi-disciplinary and international focus as well as one which examines local and jurisdiction-specific causes and responses.
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From the Blog
Authoritarian backlash on LGBTQ rights: a case of Russian anti-LGBTQ laws and the increase in the level of hate crime that they triggered August 2, 2024
The Online Hate Speech Interventions Map August 15, 2023
Is the burning of the Pride flag a hate crime? June 28, 2023
Dismantling hate through cultural consumption June 27, 2023