The RADAR Project: Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism
The overall aim of the RADAR project is to provide law enforcement officials and legal professionals with the necessary tools – mainly through open training activities, aimed at facilitating the identification of ‘racially’ motivated hate communication. Interpretative work will be carried out based on interviews with hate crime victims, as well as online and printed examples of hate-orientated communication practices in six different countries. This material will be analysed and categorised for hte purposes of designing a communication-based training course based on the GINCO concept of competence-orientated learning and self-evaluation. The course will be suitable for professionals and actual or potential hate-crime victims at a national level, as well as for trainers at an international nevel. Further learning resources and facilitites will be provded to offer online learning events. Finally, the project aims at producing a publication with concrete tools, recommendations and best practice examples to facilitate anti-discrimination and anti-racist actions and regulations.
Project Partners include Universita Degli Studi Di Perugia, the Athens Network of Collaborating Experts (ANCE), Computer Technology Institute – Diophantus, Placowka Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego Est, Heriott-Watt University, Key & Key Communications, Learnmear Oy, Uniwesytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza and the Stichting Vrouw en Welzijn (Woman and Well-Being Foundation).
*Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers
When Law and Hate Collide
The project is a collaboration of Lancashire Law School at the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom,The Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and The Institute of Special Needs Education within the Department of Education Sciences at the Goethe University, Frankfurt.
To achieve its ultimate aim, the project explores a number of key questions such as:
- Does the concept of Hate Crime Really Exist?
- What is Hate Crime?
- How can it be defined?
- How far removed (if at all) from an aggravated crime is a Hate Crime?
- Do we need a Hate Crime Law?
- What groups of people should it cover?
- Would a law violate any Human Rights?
- Do victims of Hate Crime Support a Hate Crime Law?
- Why do offenders commit Hate Crimes?
- Is Hate Crime already legislated against?
The results of this research will ultimately determine whether the European Union should intervene within Member State policy/legal frameworks to develop a minimum standard of protection against Hate Crime and if so how far reaching should this be [whohit]europe[/whohit]