
Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

By Sarthak Gupta  In India, the polarization in religion between the majority community and the minority community has been long-drawn-out because of rich-cultural history. However, from the 19th Century, the foremost root of political and societal polarization in India has been a foundational question of nationhood – Should India be a secular republic or a…

Where does online hate happen?

Where does online hate happen?

By Daria Denti Online hate and places Despite being a digital phenomenon, online hate speech does not happen is a spatial vacuum. Digital hatemongers are grounded in a spatial environment which might influence their behaviors and beliefs. Nonetheless, the influence of places on cyberhate production is only rarely investigated.  Recent studies show that cyberhate does…

Covid-19: A wave of racism against the Roma communities in Romania

Covid-19: A wave of racism against the Roma communities in Romania

By Maria Dumitru Roma lying on the ground with their hands handcuffed and beaten[…] “Stay the hell out at home! F*uk your mo*th”, said the policeman hatefully while he violently beat a Roma man […] Throughout the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed several waves of racism, especially toward minorities and racialized communities who were…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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