hate crime Canada

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Author: Caroline Erentzen (MA, JD, PhD Candidate/Psychology) is a senior PhD Candidate in Psychology (York University) and holds a JD from Queen’s University. Her primary research focuses on hate crimes, including the role of model victim prototypes and schematic processing in observer reactions to such crimes.  Her larger research sits at the intersection of psychology and the law,…

Hate crime in Canada, eh?

Hate crime in Canada, eh?

It’s that time of year when Statistics Canada releases it’s annual report on police reported hate crime in Canada. The July 10, 2013 release of 2011 data was only the 6th such accounting. That in itself says something about our lack of maturity in confronting hate crime. The capacity to document a problem is the…

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  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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