Impacts of hate crime

Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

by Michael Dhanoya and Dr Chris Allen, University of Leicester In recent months, a number of events have catalysed a rise in Shiaphobia.  Unlike Islamophobia which typically refers to religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by non-Muslims against Muslims, Shiaphobia may be loosely defined as religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by Sunni Muslims against Shi’a Muslims. Here in the UK,…

Understanding the harms of hate crime

Understanding the harms of hate crime

BY DR JENNY PATERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY; PROF MARK WALTERS, SCHOOL OF LAW, PLITICS AND SOCIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX After the England men’s football team reached their first major final in 55 years, the national headlines should have been celebrating their exceptional achievement. Instead, the focus quickly turned to the vile racist abuse targeted…

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  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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