Moral Philosophy

Hate, Politics, Law – Critical Perspectives on Combating Hate

Hate, Politics, Law – Critical Perspectives on Combating Hate

Thomas Brudholm and Birgitte Schepelern Johansen Hate has become a political outcast in liberal democracies. Whether expressed in speech, enacted in everyday criminal conduct, or seen as the fuel of terror and extremism, hate is considered a vice, an evil, and a threat. In public discourse, hate is typically ascribed to the Other (criminals, enemies,…

Forgiving Hate Crimes: The Case of Dylann Roof

Forgiving Hate Crimes: The Case of Dylann Roof

Guest post by Luke Brunning and Per-Erik Milam Luke Brunning is British Academy postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford. He researches topics in ethics and moral psychology. Per-Erik Milam is postdoctoral fellow with the Gothenburg Responsibility Project at the University of Gothenburg. He writes on forgiveness and moral responsibility. On 17 June 2015,…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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