
International Network for Hate Studies (INHS) Spotlight Seminar Series

International Network for Hate Studies (INHS) Spotlight Seminar Series

The International Network for Hate Studies (INHS) is a global community of scholars,practitioners, and activists dedicated to advancing the understanding of hate, bias, andextremism. The network provides a platform for sharing research, resources, and best practices to address and combat the complex issues surrounding hate and social harm. Through collaborative efforts, the INHS aims to…

Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

By Sarthak Gupta  In India, the polarization in religion between the majority community and the minority community has been long-drawn-out because of rich-cultural history. However, from the 19th Century, the foremost root of political and societal polarization in India has been a foundational question of nationhood – Should India be a secular republic or a…

Where does online hate happen?

Where does online hate happen?

By Daria Denti Online hate and places Despite being a digital phenomenon, online hate speech does not happen is a spatial vacuum. Digital hatemongers are grounded in a spatial environment which might influence their behaviors and beliefs. Nonetheless, the influence of places on cyberhate production is only rarely investigated.  Recent studies show that cyberhate does…

The Re-Emergence of ‘Race’ Among the British Far-Right

The Re-Emergence of ‘Race’ Among the British Far-Right

By Prof Chris Allen Around the turn of the 21st century, an ideological turn was evident within the British far-right milieu. Breaking with tradition, far-right groups turned away from their focus on ‘race’, Judaism and Jewish people in preference of Islam and Muslims. Spearheaded by the British National Party (BNP), those such as the English…

Understanding the harms of hate crime

Understanding the harms of hate crime

BY DR JENNY PATERSON, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY, NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY; PROF MARK WALTERS, SCHOOL OF LAW, PLITICS AND SOCIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX After the England men’s football team reached their first major final in 55 years, the national headlines should have been celebrating their exceptional achievement. Instead, the focus quickly turned to the vile racist abuse targeted…

Covid-19: A wave of racism against the Roma communities in Romania

Covid-19: A wave of racism against the Roma communities in Romania

By Maria Dumitru Roma lying on the ground with their hands handcuffed and beaten[…] “Stay the hell out at home! F*uk your mo*th”, said the policeman hatefully while he violently beat a Roma man […] Throughout the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has unleashed several waves of racism, especially toward minorities and racialized communities who were…

HCAW Blog #4: The Power of Rhetoric in 2020

HCAW Blog #4: The Power of Rhetoric in 2020

Alex Murphy @alexmurphykc27 2020 has been a unique year in many ways, but a sudden preoccupation with the clarity of political messaging has united anxious populations around the world. Shifts in the UK from the ‘Stay at home’ message, to ‘Stay alert’ and ‘Hands, face, space’ in short order (alongside the brief diversion into ‘Eat…

Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK - Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK – Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

National Hate Crime Awareness Week (NHCAW) is a week-long initiative that seeks to raise awareness not only about the harms of hate but so too what we can individually and collectively do about it. Originally conceived as a Facebook group in 2009 to mark the 10th anniversary of the London nail bomb attacks on Brixton,…

LGBT and Covid-19

LGBT and Covid-19

COVID-19 and LGBTI-phobia By Kusminder Chalal and Piotr Godzisz Seven international experts discussed the impact of Covid-19 and the lockdown on LGBTI communities across the globe during two events organised by Birmingham City University (BCU) and the INHS. Kusminder Chahal and Piotr Godzisz, BCU, share their insights and reflect on both events. Context Covid-19 was…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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