Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK - Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK – Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

National Hate Crime Awareness Week (NHCAW) is a week-long initiative that seeks to raise awareness not only about the harms of hate but so too what we can individually and collectively do about it. Originally conceived as a Facebook group in 2009 to mark the 10th anniversary of the London nail bomb attacks on Brixton,…

LGBT and Covid-19

LGBT and Covid-19

COVID-19 and LGBTI-phobia By Kusminder Chalal and Piotr Godzisz Seven international experts discussed the impact of Covid-19 and the lockdown on LGBTI communities across the globe during two events organised by Birmingham City University (BCU) and the INHS. Kusminder Chahal and Piotr Godzisz, BCU, share their insights and reflect on both events. Context Covid-19 was…

Hate Research and Emotionality

Hate Research and Emotionality

Hate Research and Emotionality by David Wilkin, PhD,Honorary Fellow, School of Criminology University of Leicester. A somewhat overused phrase these days is that used to describe the pitches and troughs of everyday personal feelings: ‘the whole thing was an emotional rollercoaster’, to relate changing moods. What I did not expect during my recent research into…

The ‘unsocial’ facets of social media platforms

The ‘unsocial’ facets of social media platforms

By Luiz Valério P. Trindade, PhD The current ubiquitous presence of social media in people’s lives on a global scale and the increasing trend of divisionism and polarization fostered in this environment raises an important reflection: How ‘social’has  this disruptive technology really become? The sociologist James M. Henslin advocates that ‘society makes us humans’, and…

Hating the coronavirus is pointless. But no good will come from turning anxieties and anger against Chinese people

Hating the coronavirus is pointless. But no good will come from turning anxieties and anger against Chinese people

By Mark Walters, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Sussex, and co-Director of the International Network for Hate Studies Just over two months ago Mandy Huang was shouted at by a man who told her to “Take your f****** coronavirus back home!” Her friend who tried to intervene bore the brunt of the offender’s rage…

Minimising the collateral damage of hate crime: Some tips from Belarusian journalists and editors for sensitive media reporting

Minimising the collateral damage of hate crime: Some tips from Belarusian journalists and editors for sensitive media reporting

By Paul Iganski & Andrei Klikunou (Illustration: Andra Voinea) The media play a significant role in spreading news about hate crime. The same goes for other types of crime. Hate crime can be different, however—especially so when the impact upon victims and communities is considered. This will be well known to hate crime specialists reading…

After a Decade of Rising Islamophobia, It’s Time to Reconfigure and Rethink Understanding

After a Decade of Rising Islamophobia, It’s Time to Reconfigure and Rethink Understanding

The publication of my new book, “Reconfiguring Islamophobia: a radical rethinking of a contested concept”(Palgrave) marks a decade since the publication of my first book on the topic (“Islamophobia”, Ashgate). In that time, much has changed. In 2010, religiously-motivated hate crimes had yet to be included in official data, the English Defence League was in its infancy,…

After years of decreasing hostilities, hate crimes against LGBT+ people are now on the rise

After years of decreasing hostilities, hate crimes against LGBT+ people are now on the rise

By Mark Walters, co-Director of the International Network for Hate Studies Is Britain really becoming more prejudiced towards LGBT people? Or is it the case, as some commentators suggest, that more LGBT people are simply coming forward to report incidents of hostility and violence? The truth is that after years of decreasing levels of anti-LGB…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...
  • Jakub Supel: Here we have the classic problem of interpreting the meaning of "grossly offensive" and "r...

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