Hybrid Book Launch – Queer Judgments Project

Tuesday 11 February 2025, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm GMT, online and Brighton, UK


Join us to celebrate the publication of the book of the Queer Judgments Project at the University of Sussex and online!

The first output of the Queer Judgments project – an edited collection published by Counterpress – is coming out and we want to celebrate with you this special moment. In this book, contributors from around the world re-imagine, re-write and re-invent, from queer and other complementing perspectives, judgments that have considered SOGIESC issues.

The book has an international reach and multi-disciplinary scope, and takes you through 26 judgments and commentaries on the most various legal fields: from crime and sodomy cases to privacy and discrimination cases, from family and parenthood cases to health and reproduction cases, and ending on asylum and migration cases.

At the launch you will hear from:

  • the editors of the collection: Nuno Ferreira (Sussex), Maria Federica Moscati (Sussex), and Senthorun Raj (MMU);
  • some of the contributors, including Alex Powell (Oxford Brookes), Alexander Maine (City London), and Lynsey Mitchell (Strathclyde).

This book launch will be hybrid: join us either in person at the University of Sussex (Freeman Building, Moot Room) or online (please register to receive the remote access details). There will be refreshments available.


Find more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/queer-judgments-book-launch-tickets-1200361737269

This event will be held online and at Moot Room, Freeman Building, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.

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