City-wide Conference to Mark Islamophobia Awareness Month

Tuesday 24 November 2015, 12:00-16:00pm, Leeds


Building Bridges and the Muslim Community Safety Forum (MCSF) for West Yorkshire offer full support for National Islamophobia Awareness Month in November 2015.

We are deeply concerned at October 2015 figures from the Metropolitan Police that anti-Muslim hate crime had risen in the previous 12 months. Muslim Engagement and Development research published in 2015 revealed that the majority of victims tend to be women. Our stance is with the British Muslim community in total opposition to such attacks, particularly from extremist individuals and far-right groups; that we are seeing an upsurge in racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic comments. MCSF strongly condemns all such comments and acts, whether occurring online, verbally or physically have seen such a surge.


The MCSF recognises that crime prevention is a responsibility shared across the public sector be they council, education, Police and so on . All agencies need to target infrastructure provision and have co-ordination to improve safety and reduce fear of hate and religious crime. MSCF acknowledges that more needs to be done to empower organisations to ensure they report the religious and hate crimes.


We are developing a co-ordinated response to community safety issues across West Yorkshire and facilitating partnership projects. MCSF are holding a conference to galvanize communities, groups and individuals in reporting such incidents.


This event will be instrumental in developing a joined up approach, which brings together policy makers, statutory agencies, local authority officers, Police, youth & Education providers



Find out more information and register for your free place here:

This event is taking place at Hamara Healthy Living Centre, Tempest Road, Leeds LS11 6RD.

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