Hate Crimes Training for Law Enforcement

Thursday 14 January 2016, 14:00-16:00pm, Nebraska USA


ADL regularly trains federal, state, and local law enforcement around the country on hate crimes and hate crime laws.  This 1.5 hour training session addresses the unique nature of hate crimes, the elements of relevant hate crime laws, and investigative and enforcement strategies specific to hate crimes. Program elements include:

  • State and federal hate crime statutes
  • Criteria for determining whether a hate crime occurred
  • Distinction between hate crimes and bias incidents
  • Constitutional framework in which hate crime statutes operate
  • Hate crime reporting issues under the federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act
  • Investigative strategies that are unique to hate crimes
  • Special needs of hate crime victims


Find out more information and register for your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hate-crimes-training-for-law-enforcement-tickets-20081748049?aff=es2

This event is taking place at Jewish Community Center, Omaha, 333 South 132nd Street, Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska 68154, USA.

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