Falkirk People’s Rights and Equality Group Event

Tuesday 15 March 2016, 9:30-13:30pm, Falkirk


Falkirk People’s Rights and Equality Group (FPREG) is a new group that is being formed for the Council and other public bodies to have a two way conversation on equality and rights issues. The group is for all community members. FPREG is holding an awareness raising event on Tuesday 15 March 2016 at Forth Valley College 9:30am to 1:30pm The event will also be a celebration of International Women’s Day. During the event there will be a key note address by David Griffiths, Equality and Rights Member of the Edinburgh Partnership Board on how the group can function effectively. There will also be another key note address on the Community Empowerment Bill by Scottish Community Development Centre. The event will have a marketplace of equality and community organisations as well as holding a number of workshops on various issues.


See the full programme and register for your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/falkirk-peoples-rights-and-equality-group-event-tickets-21675407728?aff=ebrowse

This event is taking place at Forth Valley College of Further Education, Grangemeouth Road, Falkirk FK2 9AD.

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