Tackling Hate Crime Conference

Capita’s Tackling Hate Crime Conference is timed to respond to the surging growth of hate crime with reported incidents having risen 57% in the aftermath of the EU referendum vote.

In response the Government has committed extra funding for the Crown Prosecution Service and police to deal with the growing number of hate-based attacks, with prosecutors given new guidance on how to deal with crimes aggravated by prejudice.

Showcasing practical guidance and lessons learned from real life cases, this timely national event will highlight co-ordinated approaches to understand, investigate and prosecute hate related crime.  A must attend for police, criminal justice, local authorities and the third sector. This conference addresses the need to strengthen joint working between a range of organisations and to collaborate with the communities impacted by these incidents to assist in repairing societal damage.

Expert speakers will cover a range of issues and offer solutions that can be adapted and utilised in your own communities, including:

  • Encouraging reporting and recording of incidents
  • Effective strategies for investigating and prosecuting hate crime
  • Preventative measures to achieve hate crime reduction
  • Responding adequately and appropriately to victims
  • Tackling hate crime in schools and online environments

Attend to ensure you are doing all you can to protect characteristic groups in your community against hate motivated violence and behaviour targeted at disability, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

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