Webinar: Hate Crime and COVID-19

Wednesday 11 November 2020, 8:30 am – 9:45 am GMT, online (UK)


Virtual seminar examining the increase in hate crime following COVID-19. By Manchester Metropolitan University as part of the ESRC Festival.

Reports in the UK and Australia attest to increases in hate crimes against Chinese and people who look ‘Chinese’; attributed to racist assumptions that they are to blame for the COVID-19 pandemic. This phenomenon and other effects of COVID-19 on hate crime in the UK and Australia will be examined by hate crime researchers Kevin Wong (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Kris Christmann (University of Huddersfield) and guest speakers: Rose Simkins from hate crime charity Stop Hate UK and Matteo Vergani a hate crime researcher at Deakin University, Melbourne.

This virtual seminar is open to policy makers, practitioners, academics and other researchers in the UK, Australia and other jurisdictions.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hate-crime-and-covid-19-tickets-120371118255?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1

2 comments on “Webinar: Hate Crime and COVID-19

  1. Hideko Nishioka

    I am a Associate Professor in Gender Equality at Osaka City University.
    I have conducted a international survey of the influence in terms of misinformation and disinformation on COVID-19,so right now I have been summarizing the report of the survey. In particular, the remark “chinese virus” by US President was spread and scared by many people. I am very interested in the process and will be participating this time.

  2. Saw Yee Mon

    My area of interest is that to what extent a remark of an influential person can cause negative impacts concerning rumors of Covid 19.
    I believe your research could answer my question.

    Saw Yee Mon (Ms.)


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