Hate crime: new insights, new solutions – Dr Chih Hoong Sin The evidence base on hate crime continues to grow in the UK and internationally. The Leicester Hate Crime Project for example, recently launched the report of its two-year research, the largest primary study to date looking at hate crime.The team has been able…

The Strengths and Limitations of Enhanced Sentencing for Hate Crimes

The Strengths and Limitations of Enhanced Sentencing for Hate Crimes

  Between June and September 2013 the UK Law Commission consulted with a range of community, voluntary, academic, statutory and lay representatives on Government proposals to alter parts of the existing hate crime legislative framework in England and Wales. This followed the Coalition Government’s publication of Challenge It, Report It, Stop It: The Government’s Plan…

Hate Crime and Restorative Justice: Exploring Causes, Repairing Harms

Hate Crime and Restorative Justice: Exploring Causes, Repairing Harms

Introduction In 1998 the UK Government changed the law so that offenders of racially aggravated assault, harassment and criminal damage would receive an enhanced penalty for their crimes. Since then, various Acts of Parliament have been introduced that enhance the punishment for an array of different types of hate crime – including offences where the…

The Y-Word debate: should the chanting of Yid continue at Tottenham Hotspur F.C matches?

The Y-Word debate: should the chanting of Yid continue at Tottenham Hotspur F.C matches?

Edited by Mark Walters Tottenham Hotspur supporters have long chanted ‘Yid’, a “derogatory epithet” for a Jewish person, as a self-designator and battle-cry for their team. Simmering controversy on whether they should do this recently boiled over when the Football Association (FA) stated Yid was “offensive”, banned the chanting of it and emphasised it can result…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...
  • Jakub Supel: Here we have the classic problem of interpreting the meaning of "grossly offensive" and "r...

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