
Saying “I do” to the true meaning of equality: citizenships, rights and homophobia in Northern Ireland

Saying “I do” to the true meaning of equality: citizenships, rights and homophobia in Northern Ireland

Monday 15th July was a historic day for equal rights as the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill completed its Third – and final – Reading in the House of Lords. With the first same-sex marriages due to take place in 2014, it would be easy to think that progress with regards to sexual citizenship and…

Keeping up appearances? How changes to one police force’s hate crime policy will protect people victimised for looking ‘different’

Keeping up appearances? How changes to one police force’s hate crime policy will protect people victimised for looking ‘different’

  A change to a crime recording policy within one regional police force does not tend to generate huge levels of news coverage.  However, in the week that Greater Manchester Police announced that they would be recording attacks against members of alternative subcultures as hate crimes, this change in policy became the subject of extensive…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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