Community inclusion for LGBT people in Lewisham

Wednesday 24 February 2016, 10:00-16:00pm, London


METRO is working with a number of Lewisham voluntary organisations to improve the equality outcomes of people who live in Lewisham. Together, we are working toward creating a Lewisham were all people who live, work, socialise and study in the borough can live safely, free from discrimination and have equal access to service, regardless of who they are.

The session will cover a number of key equalities issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people around gender, sexuality, diversity and identity who face major barriers accessing services despite Britain having comprehensive equality legislation.

What will Participants come away with?:

  • Increased confidence to use LGBTQ terms
  • Understanding of the differences between sexuality, sex and gender identify
  • Awareness of the range of specific issues LGBT people face, such as hate crime, domestic abuse, mental health problems, health inequalities and poorer life outcomes
  • Explore the barriers LGBT people face accessing services when they are at their most vulnerable
  • Equip participants with a range of strategies to work more positively with LGBT people, to enable them to get their specific issues met in safe, welcoming environments


Find out more information and register for your free place here:

This event is taking place at Room 2 Board Room, Civic Suite, Catford Road, London SE6 4RU.

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