SAI 2021 Annual Conference – Atomized Solidarities: Together/Apart
Friday 7 – Saturday 8 May 2021, online (Ireland)
The past year has been dominated by the unprecedented event of the Covid-19 Pandemic. It is extraordinary in itself, but is also characterised by a rapid acceleration of social trends, an amplification of persistent inequalities, and intensifying pressure to address questions of social justice. In addition, longstanding societal challenges, looming political dilemmas, and economic debates remain unresolved. Thus, we invite papers on the theme: ‘Atomised Solidarities: Together / Apart’.
Tremendous reserves of social solidarity have been revealed, while the concrete contexts of interaction, sociability and cooperation have been emptied by distancing and cocooning. The technologisation and mediatisation of social life has accelerated, producing a hyper-connected society, while the privatisation of life becomes entrenched. Espirit de corps and civic virtues were witnessed, all the while, the pandemic has effected the most vulnerable and socially excluded more acutely. Some have been able to feel, through their good fortune, that ‘we are all in it together’, but this has also been used to excuse not addressing others’ demands and needs.
What we have witnessed in the past year is new, but not novel, as the pandemic has accelerated, intensified, worsened and amplified social trends and realities that we have been living with for some time. The pandemic is after all an outcome of globalisation, the risk society, extractive capitalism and habitat destruction. It has also hardened resolve that was already strong, built collective efficacy, produced a sense that things can be different, and sparked imaginations about better arrangements.
Our aim for the conference is for it to be a forum for sociologists to come together (while apart), to learn from each other’s work so that we can clarify the social trends, challenges, dilemmas and scandals we have pointed to. We want the sociological community to participate and reflect not just on where we are and how we got here, but where we are going, where we could go, and where we should go as a society. We will offer addresses from leading figures in sociology and panels on a range of specialisms, but also a strong emphasis on interaction, participation, exchange, dialogue, and fun, to make our online conference as close to the social experience of a conference that we all long for.
Find out more information and book your place here: