‘Think’ Challenging Racism & Far Right Extremism – End of Project Conference

Tuesday 16 June 2015, 9:30am – 1pm, Cardiff City Hall

This event will showcase and share findings from the Ethnic Youth Support Team’s (EYST) 3-year Big Lottery Funded Think project, sharing lessons from the project evaluation on what works in challenging racism and far-right extremism in vulnerable youth. Focused on EYST’s innovative best practice and methodology, it will show why a new approach to challenging racism and far-right extremism is needed.

This event is being held at Cardiff City Hall, Gorsedd Gardens Road, CF10 3ND Cardiff.

Register for your place and find out more information about the event here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/think-challenging-racism-far-right-extremism-end-of-project-conference-tickets-16799426537?aff=es2

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