Virtual Workshop – The Roots of Hatred and Intolerance

Wednesday 22 March 2023, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EDT, online (Ottawa, Canada)


OCSB Standing Against Racism Week: March 20 – 24


Join us to learn more about our Canadian past and how we can make a difference in the future at our Parent & Educator virtual event on The Roots of Hatred and Intolerance with Elena Kingsbury from the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre.

Canada, often described as a diverse cultural mosaic, is not free from hatred and intolerance. Racism, antisemitism and other forms of prejudice are examined, as well as how these issues impact students and their communities. Real historical and contemporary examples of hate are used as a means of creating awareness and promoting dialogue and positive action within the school and community.

The workshop is designed to provide an overview/introduction to key themes of intolerance from history (including slavery in Canada, residential schools, the Chinese Head Tax, antisemitism in pre-war Canada, and Japanese internment during WWII). We then turn our attention towards the contemporary world, reviewing most recent hate crime stats as well as specific incidences of hate. Finally, we provide tips and strategies that students can use to make sure they are contributing to equity and inclusivity.


Find out more information and book your free place here:

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