
Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

by Michael Dhanoya and Dr Chris Allen, University of Leicester In recent months, a number of events have catalysed a rise in Shiaphobia.  Unlike Islamophobia which typically refers to religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by non-Muslims against Muslims, Shiaphobia may be loosely defined as religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by Sunni Muslims against Shi’a Muslims. Here in the UK,…

After a Decade of Rising Islamophobia, It’s Time to Reconfigure and Rethink Understanding

After a Decade of Rising Islamophobia, It’s Time to Reconfigure and Rethink Understanding

The publication of my new book, “Reconfiguring Islamophobia: a radical rethinking of a contested concept”(Palgrave) marks a decade since the publication of my first book on the topic (“Islamophobia”, Ashgate). In that time, much has changed. In 2010, religiously-motivated hate crimes had yet to be included in official data, the English Defence League was in its infancy,…

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Author: Caroline Erentzen (MA, JD, PhD Candidate/Psychology) is a senior PhD Candidate in Psychology (York University) and holds a JD from Queen’s University. Her primary research focuses on hate crimes, including the role of model victim prototypes and schematic processing in observer reactions to such crimes.  Her larger research sits at the intersection of psychology and the law,…

American Islamophobia in the Age of Trump: The Global War on Terror, Continued?

American Islamophobia in the Age of Trump: The Global War on Terror, Continued?

Guest post by Tanner Mirrlees, the Director of the Communication and Digital Media Studies program at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT). His research examines the political economy of US media and communications dominance around the world, the relationship between the US security state and cultural industries at war, and the economics and…

What Causes Spikes in Hate Crime Reporting?

What Causes Spikes in Hate Crime Reporting?

By Dr David Brax, post-doc at the Centre for European Research, and the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, Gothenburg University. Dr Brax is a member of the advisory board for the INHS, and an associate editor of the book series “The Psychology of Hate Crime as Domestic Terrorism (Preager 2016). His most recent…

Erosion of Social Support as a Function of Alt-right Xenophobia in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Erosion of Social Support as a Function of Alt-right Xenophobia in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election

Guest post by Professor Edward Dunbar Edward Dunbar is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychology at UCLA. He also is a practicing psychologist based in metropolitan Los Angeles. He is the co-editor of the series “Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism” and the forthcoming “Indoctrination to Hate: Recruitment and Membership Techniques of Groups Pushing…

Making sense of the Orlando Massacre

Making sense of the Orlando Massacre

By David Brax, post-doc at the Centre for European Research (CERGU), and the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and the Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg Before we begin, I want to brief you on the content of this rather long post: It basically states that we don’t yet know exactly what the Orlando massacre was about….

Orlando Shootings - Acknowledging Hate Crime against LGBT community

Orlando Shootings – Acknowledging Hate Crime against LGBT community

By: Dr Loretta Trickett Dr Loretta Trickett is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Criminal Law and Human Rights.  She is Module Leader on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Nottingham Law School.  Loretta’s research interests include gendered offending, victimology and hate crime.  She has published articles on masculinities, fear of crime, gang violence, sexual assaults and…

Islamophobia in the 21st century: Is history repeating?

Islamophobia in the 21st century: Is history repeating?

By Alexander Bisset, Student, University of Sussex, School of Law. It is said that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, perhaps an overused cliché lacking relevance in the modern age? For the people of the Jewish faith it is an epithet seared into the living consciousness. ‘Kristallnacht‘, the night Jews…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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