An Audience with Fr Michael Lapsley

The Challenging Hate Forum will host a public event in the Cathedral Visitors’ Centre in support of Hate Crime Awareness Week. The focus of the event will be on peace-building. The keynote speaker is the renowned South African priest and social justice activist Fr Michael Lapsley, who lost both hands and the sight in one eye as a result of a letter bomb in 1990. Fr Michael Lapsley is visiting the UK during September when he will be speaking at the National Cathedrals Conference (17-20 September 2018).

Fr Michael Lapsley will speak about his own experiences and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. In 1998 he founded the Institute for Healing of Memories in South Africa to help people who have been left disabled or scarred, physically or mentally, by persecution or trauma. They are encouraged to share their stories in special workshop sessions. When personal stories are heard and acknowledged, individuals feel healed and empowered and dignity is restored.

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