Conference: Positive Women

Positive Women in partnership with Lewisham Council, Africa Advocacy Foundation, METRO Charity, Lewisham Speaking Up, Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network would like to invite you to raise awareness and attend workshops on some of the issues that affect us as women in our local community.

Join them for an interactive discussions exploring how we can effectively work together to overcome issues that affect us women in the community and together create positive mindsets and solutions within our communities. They want local women like you to discuss the issues they have seen their female friends, family members and you may have experienced yourself and together create some positive solutions to help tackle these destructive elements in our lives and community.

They will be looking into identifying and challenging harmful actions towards us in our relationships and in our community (including domestic abuse, female genital mutilation and hate crime neighbour or stranger incidents based on your race, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity – also known as hate incidents).

More information can be found here.

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