Gypsy & Traveller Policy Under the New Government

Thursday 26 November 2015, 11:00-15:30pm, London

The Government recently responded to the previous Government’s consultation on changes to planning policy and guidance for Travellers. Proposals being taken forward include amending the planning definition of ‘Gypsies & Travellers’, issuing new guidance on accommodation needs assessments and measures to further strengthen Green Belt protections. What impact will these changes have, when will they be implemented and how can local services better meet the needs of Gypsies & Travellers?

Key issues to be addressed include:

  • Government objectives for Gypsy & Traveller policy
  • Changing the planning definitions of “Gypsies and Travellers” and “Travelling Showpeople”
  • Plans to amend the housing definition
  • New guidance on Traveller accommodation needs assessments
  • Temporary permission in the Green Belt and other sensitive areas
  • Making intentional unauthorised occupation weigh against the granting of permission
  • New guidance on enforcement powers
  • Meeting needs while ensuring fairness between settled and travelling populations
  • Working with Travellers to protect the Green Belt/special areas of land
  • Delivering a proper assessment of accommodation needs
  • Translating assessment into provision

Find out more information and register for your place here:

This event is taking place in Central London (Zone 1, Venue TBC)

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