Hate Crime and Incident Training (UK)
Monday 17 August 2020, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm EDT, online (UK)
Aimed at front-line staff required to provide enhanced support to those who may be affected by Hate Crime and discrimination, including housing management, supported housing and specialist teams such as ASB, mental health support, charities working with communities, statutory providers and staff working within 3rd Party Reporting Centre environments.
The 2.5 hour session will cover:
- Definitions of Hate Crime, the historic context to Hate Crime in the UK, and the current legislative framework (Criminal and Civil).
- The impact of hostility on individuals, families and communities, current reporting trends, barriers to reporting and the range of reporting options available within communities.
- Providing attendees with an opportunity to explore a range of reporting options to understand how different reporting mechanisms work and how they may assist those affected by hostility to report incidents. Consideration will also be given to client confidentiality and anonymous reporting.
Because this course is being delivered by the Intercom Trust the focus will be on Homophobia, Transphobia and Bi Phobia however all aspects of hate crime will be covered.
This course will be delivered using zoom, additional resources and links will be available to attendees prior to the course.
There are a limited number of places available, so book quickly!
If you would like to discuss options for delivery of training to your staff in your workplace then we can specifically tailor courses to your needs and area of work. Please contact office@intercomtrust.org.uk
Find out more information and book your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hate-crime-and-incident-training-tickets-111305726424?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch
This event is taking place online.