Hate Crime Teacher Training Event

Friday 24 January 2020, 9:30-16:00 GMT, Bradford, UK


Show Racism the Red Card is the UK’s leading anti-racism educational charity with extensive experience of delivering training to both young people and adults.

This FREE event is aimed at school teachers, leaders and educators across all key stages.

This training day will aim to provide teachers with a safe and non-judgmental environment to explore issues relating to racism and hate crime.

We know that racism is still an issue that many teachers have to deal with in schools; there is often uncertainty about how to deal with racist incidents, how to respond to language relating to ethnicity that is inappropriate and how to embed equality into the ethos of the school environment.

This conference will offer practical activities and solutions to deal with these issues.

Schools are uniquely placed to provide young people with knowledge and skills to help them identify, resist & refute racism when they meet it.

Young people are developing their value systems; it is during these formative years that discriminatory attitudes can be most readily challenged and prevented.

This training aims to:

  • Explore the barriers to promoting equality and tackling racism/hate crime
  • Enable delegates to recognise racist incidents and explore how to respond to them most effectively
  • Encourage participants to embed equality throughout the school environment
  • Explore appropriate language relating to ethnicity

There will be a carousel of interactive workshops throughout the day.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to raise their own concerns and have these addressed.



Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hate-crime-teacher-training-bradford-city-fc-tickets-84254588743?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

This event is taking place at The Utilita Energy Stadium, Valley Parade, Bradford, BD8 7DY, United Kingdom

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