Hate Incident Scoping Research

Thursday 28 May 2015, 13:30-16:30pm, Shrewsbury

Fairness, Respect, Equality Shropshire (FRESh) is undertaking scoping research into the under-reporting of hate incidents and crimes in Shropshire on behalf of the Shropshire Hate Crime Reporting Group. This workshop aims to get agencies’ views on why people don’t report all hate crimes and incidents in Shropshire and to draft research questions for workshops/interviews/surveys that will be conducted with people that have experienced hate crimes or incidents themselves.

FRESh was set up in 2013 to promote equality, diversity and the elimination of unfair treatment and discrimination within and beyond Shropshire.

This is taking place at Shrewsbury Central Baptist Church, Claremont Street, SY1 1QG Shrewsbury.

Register for your free place and find out more information here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/agency-workshop-hate-incident-scoping-research-tickets-16913770543?aff=es2

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