Let’s Talk About Hate Crime: Kirkwall

Thursday 17 March 2016, 19:00-21:00pm, Kirkwall


The Equality Network are holding a number of special discussion events in rural and island communities of Scotland.

LGBTI hate crime affects us all, from online threats to graffiti, verbal abuse to physical attack. We know through our research that too many of us don’t report hate crime. It’s time to talk about why.

We’ll be discussing what makes a hate crime, how you can report it and what support is available. You don’t have to have been a victim of hate crime to attend as everyone’s views are welcome and important.The Equality Network are holding a number of special discussion events in rural and island communities of Scotland.


Find out more information and register for your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets-talk-about-hate-crime-kirkwall-tickets-22464453786?aff=es2

This event is taking place at St Magnus Centre, Palace Road, Kirkwall KW15 1PA.

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