LGBT+ Mental Health & Hate Crime Training

Friday 29 January 2016, 10:00-17:00, Maidstone


METRO Charity will be delivering two sessions aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* community.

The morning session will be exploring LGBT+ hate crime & domestic violence. It will look at;

  • Identifying what homophobic, biphobic and transphobic hate crimes are; and how they are experienced differently by men and women
  • Identifying the impacts of hate crime on diverse individuals, groups and society as a whole
  • Recognising potential barriers to reporting and accessing help with hate crime
  • Identifying services that can help with reporting, advice, advocacy and support
  • Review of key data sources around experiences of LGBT DV/DA
  • Assessing the impact of DV/DA on LGBT life outcomes around health and wellbeing, housing, social isolation, access to support
  • Identifing the barriers LGBT people experience accessing mainstream services
  • How to support LGBT people access mainstream DV/DA services in Kent

The afternoon session will be exploring LGBTQ+ mental health. It will look at;

  • Increasing confidence of your team around LGBTQ+ terminology
  • Increasing understanding of LGBTQ+ young people and mental health
  • Supporting your services to be inclusive for LGBTQ+ young people
  • Ensuring your services know where to refer LGBTQ+ young people who are seeking support


Find out more about this event and register for your place here:

This event is taking place at County Room, Kent Police HQ, Sutton Road, Maidstone ME15 9BZ.

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