Online Course – Monitoring and Responding to Hate Crimes in This Time of Global Crisis
Monday 22 June – Monday 13 July 2020, online (Registration deadline Friday 19 June)
Most of us probably think we know what hate crime is, but when it comes to the big questions, the answers might not be so obvious. Who is the most targeted? What makes hate crime different than other crimes? How big a problem is it? How do I measure the problem and assess the effectiveness of responses to it?. Facing Facts has been supporting learners to engage with these questions as part of our online learning since 2015.
Designed and delivered by our global experts, this new four-week course supports learners to:
- Understand the hate crime concept
- Identify and monitor the most common forms of hate crime and their impact on victims and communities
- Use monitoring and quantitative data to advocate and secure improved safety, support and justice for victims and communities
- Explore what we know and can understand about the immediate and longer-term impact of the coronavirus on at-risk communities
We know that many people will be anxious about spending precious resources during this time of unprecedented challenge and uncertainty. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we offer free participation in the course and in the weekly tutorials. Donations are welcomed.
Spaces are limited to 50 participants. Please take into account when applying that the course demands active participation in the discussion forum and in the live tutorials. As we tend to receive much more registrations that the places we can offer, we ask that you only apply for this cohort if you are willing to contribute with your participation.
Who is the course for?
At Facing Facts, we understand that when it comes to recording and data collection on hate crime and keeping victims safe, no single agency or institution has the full picture. This course is for the following organisations and institutions that need to work together for the benefit of victims and communities:
- civil society organisations that monitor hate crime and provide victim support
- police who investigate and prevent crime
- prosecutors who bring cases through the criminal justice process
- civil servants and policymakers who make decisions on resources and rules
- those working for equality bodies and international organisations and agencies.
Who are my teachers?
Course materials have been developed by a team of practitioners with a range of experience across NGO, international and public authority sectors. Your tutors will be Joanna Perry and Melissa Sonnino who have many years’ experience in the field.
How will I learn?
You will be supported to follow your particular interests through selected case studies and course materials to ensure that the course is relevant to your work context.
You will engage with your fellow learners, course tutors and visiting experts through discussion forums, live tutorials and online activities.
Video presentations, research exercises, ‘in-conversation’ pieces with key practitioners, quizzes, and discussion forums, links to resources, practice examples and case studies, all comprise our methodology.
Together we will discuss and explore contemporary challenges, such as how the pandemic affects already at-risk communities including migrants and refugees, the work of NGOs offering victim support, or how data can be collected in such times.
Can I get a certificate?
We want to make this learning as accessible as possible during these challenging times. You can take the whole course for free and attend online, live tutorials and discussions. If you would like to apply for a certificate, having successfully completed the course, we suggest that you pay 250 euros. The certificate will detail your achievements and can be uploaded onto professional platforms such as your LinkedIn profile. If you would like to apply for a certificate, but you have very limited resources, we can discuss the possibility of a discount with you. Since we are not for profit, by applying for a certificate you also support the platform and further course developments.
Find out more information and book your free spot here: