Online Event: Law Commission Q&A on Reforming Hate Crime Laws

Thursday 10 December 2020, 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm GMT, online (UK)


The Law Commission is hosting a live event, to answer questions about the reforms to hate crime laws that we provisionally propose in Hate Crime Laws: A Consultation Paper. The event is open to all members of the public who are interested in this area of law, and have questions surrounding our reform proposals.

We will provide a brief overview of the way that hate crime laws currently operate in England and Wales, and deliver a series of live presentations, relating to:

(1) Our provisional proposal to extend the aggravated offences to cover all existing hate crime characteristics.

(2) Our provisional proposal to add ‘sex or gender’ to the characteristics protected by hate crime laws.

(3) Our question as to whether the characteristic of ‘age’ should be protected by hate crime laws.

(4) Our question(s) as to whether any of the following groups/characteristics should be protected by hate crime laws: sex workers, people experiencing homelessness, alternative subcultures, philosophical beliefs.

(5) Our provisional proposals to reform the stirring up offences.

The event will be held on Microsoft Teams.


Find out more information and book your free place here:

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