People, Prejudice and Planning – Community based responses to promoting equality and tackling hate behaviour

This event will look at the experiences of community based projects working locally on combatting prejudice in communities. It will reflect on experience of doing this work and explore the lessons being learnt about how to support it.

Presentations will include:

  • Organisations delivering community based anti-sectarianism and prejudice reduction activity using community development methods as part of the SCoTTS programme,
  • WWS who have conducted research into the lessons learnt from this programme and
  • A presentation on how places and locations shape and structure hate crime and how hate crime impacts on people’s abilities to take part in community activities.

The event will provide an opportunity for participants to systematically explore the issues through discussion. This will consider values and methods, learning generated and barriers which exist locally and how these can be overcome.

Please visit website for more information.

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