Sussex Police Webchat on hate crime

Webchat 1

If you want to join us for the web chats, you can follow and post your questions and comments via the Sussex Police Facebook page (, via Twitter by using the hashtag #HCAW15 or downloading the Periscope app.and following sussex_police.

The first web chat will be on Tuesday, October 13 between 1pm and 2pm and will feature: Peter Allan, Sussex Police Hate Crime Sergeant, Anne Phillips, Hate Crime Co-ordinator from the South East Region of the Crown Prosecution Service, Fiona Sharpe from the Jewish community, Beverley Smith, a co-ordinator from the Disability Hate Crime Network, PCSO Jamal Robinson, who is working with young black and minority ethnic communities in Brighton and Hove and Rob Rhodes-Kubiak, Principal Community Safety Officer, Vulnerable Individuals, West Sussex County Council.

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