Webinar – Exploring Social Inequalities through National Datasets

Wednesday 2 October 2024, 10:00 am – 11:30 am BST, online (UK)


The DRTN welcomes you to the third webinar in our 2024 series: Exploring Social Inequalities through National Datasets. This webinar will focus on exploring gender pay gaps and ethnic inequalities through data sources.

The speakers will be:

  • Jools Kasmire who will give an introduction to the UKDS, the data sets available and how to access these.
  • Nissa Finney who will introduce new evidence on ethnic inequalities in Britain focusing on employment, health and political trust; and experiences of racism across ethnic minority groups. The findings come from the Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS), the largest and most comprehensive survey of ethnic minorities in Britain.
  • Bożena Wielgoszewska who will highlight the main findings from the ESRC-funded project; The Gender Wage Gap, exploring the wage gap over the life course and across generations. This project used information extracted from the British Birth Cohort Studies, which track nationally representative samples of people born in 1946, 1958, 1970, 1990 and 2000. For more details about the project see: The Gender Wage Gap: evidence from the cohort studies | IOE – Faculty of Education and Society – UCL – University College London [ucl.ac.uk]

This is a free event.


Find more information and book your free place here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/fa5ba3f7-1178-410f-b491-d7a1b33d75d8@c152cb07-614e-4abb-818a-f035cfa91a77

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