Webinar Series – Responding to Hate, Racism and Discrimination (St. Paul and Area): Responses to Hate

Thursday 24 June 2021, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm MDT, online (Canada)


Please join us for a series of gatherings to bring together a diverse range of stakeholders from in and around St. Paul and area with a goal to building stronger relations and strengthening our collective response to hate, racism and discrimination in our community.

This is an invitation to those working at the grassroots. at the frontline in agencies, emergency response, law enforcement, academics, legal field, public sector and organizations. We welcome all who care about confronting these issues and who are ready to work together for a stronger, more inclusive, and welcoming community for all.

Partners in Building Relations:

John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights, Alberta Hate Crimes Committee, Mannawanis Friendship Centre, Portage College Public Legal Education, Reconciliation St. Paul, Tribal Chief Ventures Inc., REACH Edmonton

Sessions will be held online via Zoom every second Thursday from 3-5 pm starting on May 13 2021.

May 13 2021

Session One: Building the Foundations

In the first gathering we will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders from across the community to build relationships and foster a foundation for a strengthened collective response to exclusion in our community. The objectives of this session are to introduce stakeholders to each other; ground the conversation in community experience; and, build a common understanding and awareness of hate and discrimination, its impacts and the potential responses.

May 27 2021

Session Two: Policing and Hate

In this session, we will spend time engaging in dialogue around police and community relations and build on the discussions from the first gathering. We will engage law enforcement and legal professions in sharing the legislation and tools that exist to address hate crime. They will share their experiences, practises and approach to investigating hate crimes while sharing tips and lessons that will help the community.

June 10 2021

Session Three: Grounding in Truth and Reconciliation and Justice

This session aims to remind stakeholders of our role as Treaty people as well as ensure a community response is grounded and centred in the Indigenous experience and perspective. Participants will reflect on key areas of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Calls to Justice of the National Inquiry for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls that are relevant to discussions around hate, racism and discrimination.

June 24 2021

Session Four: Responses to Hate

In this session, we explore the trends and statistics in the reporting of hate crimes and incidents in the community and learn about the existing mechanisms that exist, outside of law enforcement, to support victims and report hate. This includes different legal mechanisms as well as community response groups such as Alberta Muslim Public Affairs Council, B’nai Brith, Alberta Hate Crimes Committee to share about how they are working to address and document hate.

July 8 2021

Session Five: Strengthening our Response

This final session will reflect on the learnings and to identify our roles and responsibilities in responding to hate and supporting the community. This session will highlight our unique roles as stakeholders, identify pathways of communication and contribute to a draft community response model and plan.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/responding-to-hate-racism-and-discrimination-st-paul-and-area-tickets-147465213423?

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