Webinar – Why All the Hate?

Monday 6 March 2023, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST, online (Toronto, Canada)


Racial Equity: From Intention To Action Part II

A webinar & conversation series by OCASI for the Ontario immigrant and refugee-serving sector, to move from intention to action in understanding systemic racism, addressing racial discrimination and building towards racial equity in the sector and beyond.

Guest experts will speak about community safety and harm reduction, and countering hate and prejudice. The final episode will crowd-source good practices OCASI member agencies doing practical work.

Webinar 2: Why All the Hate?

Hate crimes cause substantial harm to individuals and communities. What is a hate crime? What can people and organizations do to support those targeted by racism and hate, and to foster a safer environment for everyone?

Guest Speakers:

  • Raj Dhir, Ontario Human Rights Commission
  • Kiran Bisla, Toronto Police Services
  • Nuzhat Jafri, Canadian Council of Muslim Women

Other speakers to be confirmed.

Conversation facilitated by Jin Huh, Executive Director, Social Planning Toronto

NOTE: A zoom link will be sent to all registrants closer to the date of the webinar. If you have any questions, please contact antiracism@ocasi.org


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/why-all-the-hate-webinar-tickets-543287215687

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