Gendered violence

A Response to the Law Commission’s Hate Crime Law Final Report

A Response to the Law Commission’s Hate Crime Law Final Report

By Jon Garland, Jo Smith, Mark Walters and Irene Zempi On December 7th the Law Commission for England and Wales published its long awaited final report on hate crime laws. In 2018 the Government requested that the Commission look into whether the law should be expanded to include new characteristics (including gender or sex) and…

HCAW Blog #5: The dark side of social media: the problem of LGBT+ online hate

HCAW Blog #5: The dark side of social media: the problem of LGBT+ online hate

Rachel Keighley @Rachel_Keighley My first encounter with hate crime came in Durham when a group of young lads in a car shouted out of their window at my girlfriend and I who were holding hands walking down the street. To ensure we got the point, they then did a U-turn, so they could pass by…

HCAW Blog #3: Should sex workers be included in the legal definition of hate crime?

HCAW Blog #3: Should sex workers be included in the legal definition of hate crime?

Rosie Campbell and Teela Sanders @RosieCa27236598 and @TeelaSanders On 23 September 2020, the Law Commission published its consultation paper for its review of hate crime law. Associated media coverage focused on debates about whether sex or gender should be a protected characteristic in law in England and Wales. Media coverage only touched on the Commission’s…

Hating the coronavirus is pointless. But no good will come from turning anxieties and anger against Chinese people

Hating the coronavirus is pointless. But no good will come from turning anxieties and anger against Chinese people

By Mark Walters, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Sussex, and co-Director of the International Network for Hate Studies Just over two months ago Mandy Huang was shouted at by a man who told her to “Take your f****** coronavirus back home!” Her friend who tried to intervene bore the brunt of the offender’s rage…

Have Ethnic-Minority Transwomen been forgotten?

Have Ethnic-Minority Transwomen been forgotten?

Author’s Bio: Isabelle Ehiorobo is a 3rd year Law undergraduate studying at the University of Sussex. Isabelle has interests in tackling social justice issues through writing, campaigning and public speaking . She aspires to practice as a Human Rights Lawyer worldwide and also aims to pursue her passion for writing, ultimately becoming an author. Have…

Of Hate Hierarchies and Other Animals (Act 2)

Of Hate Hierarchies and Other Animals (Act 2)

By Dr Natalie Alkiviadou,(PhD, LLM, LLB), lecturer in European Law and Human Rights at the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus and Director of AEQUITAS, an NGO working on human rights education. A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog post on how international and European law, which is relevant to challenging hate speech, is marred…

Making sense of the Orlando Massacre

Making sense of the Orlando Massacre

By David Brax, post-doc at the Centre for European Research (CERGU), and the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and the Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg Before we begin, I want to brief you on the content of this rather long post: It basically states that we don’t yet know exactly what the Orlando massacre was about….

Mapping Homophobia and Misogyny in Rap Music

Mapping Homophobia and Misogyny in Rap Music

By Cinzia Rodrigues, Student, University of Sussex, School of Law.  The decade of the 1970s witnessed the birth of a form of protest art for young men of color from disadvantaged areas in the Bronx.[1] The mixture of street dance, art, poetry, vocal and oratory dexterity, the artistry of combining different music styles, and the wealth of…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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