Hate Crime Policy

Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

Shiaphobic Hate Crime: an invisible yet growing form of sectarian hate

by Michael Dhanoya and Dr Chris Allen, University of Leicester In recent months, a number of events have catalysed a rise in Shiaphobia.  Unlike Islamophobia which typically refers to religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by non-Muslims against Muslims, Shiaphobia may be loosely defined as religiously-motivated hate perpetrated by Sunni Muslims against Shi’a Muslims. Here in the UK,…

Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

Reforming Indian hate speech laws’

By Sarthak Gupta  In India, the polarization in religion between the majority community and the minority community has been long-drawn-out because of rich-cultural history. However, from the 19th Century, the foremost root of political and societal polarization in India has been a foundational question of nationhood – Should India be a secular republic or a…

Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK - Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

Introducing the Blog Carnival for Hate Crime Awareness Week UK – Blog #1 Beyond the Hate Crime Headlines: new manifestations, new spaces

National Hate Crime Awareness Week (NHCAW) is a week-long initiative that seeks to raise awareness not only about the harms of hate but so too what we can individually and collectively do about it. Originally conceived as a Facebook group in 2009 to mark the 10th anniversary of the London nail bomb attacks on Brixton,…

Have Ethnic-Minority Transwomen been forgotten?

Have Ethnic-Minority Transwomen been forgotten?

Author’s Bio: Isabelle Ehiorobo is a 3rd year Law undergraduate studying at the University of Sussex. Isabelle has interests in tackling social justice issues through writing, campaigning and public speaking . She aspires to practice as a Human Rights Lawyer worldwide and also aims to pursue her passion for writing, ultimately becoming an author. Have…

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Expectations of the Model Hate Crime Victim

Author: Caroline Erentzen (MA, JD, PhD Candidate/Psychology) is a senior PhD Candidate in Psychology (York University) and holds a JD from Queen’s University. Her primary research focuses on hate crimes, including the role of model victim prototypes and schematic processing in observer reactions to such crimes.  Her larger research sits at the intersection of psychology and the law,…

‘Conference Proceedings Conference on Hate Crimes in South East Europe’: A Review

‘Conference Proceedings Conference on Hate Crimes in South East Europe’: A Review

By: Joanna Perry As Bogdanić and Rakić point out in this volume, hate crimes have been with us ‘since the distant past’. Indeed, people acting on their racism, homophobia, disablism, and religious intolerance in harmful and discriminatory ways across the world is hardly new. However, as the contributions to this book illustrate, understanding and addressing…

The Life Cycle of a Hate Crime: Recommendations for effectively combating hate crime across Europe

The Life Cycle of a Hate Crime: Recommendations for effectively combating hate crime across Europe

Introduction In 2015 five members of the International Network for Hate Studies from the Czech Republic, England and Wales, Ireland, Latvia and Sweden successfully applied for an Action Grant from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers with our project entitled “Life Cycle of a Hate Crime”. The key aim of the project was…

Hate speech in the danish public debate online

Hate speech in the danish public debate online

By Lumi Zuleta, Senior Advisor, the Danish Institute for Human Rights Social media has undoubtedly become an integral part of our daily lives, as a means of communication and information as well as platforms for distribution of news and thus a central arena for the public debate. In line with this development, the ‘tone’ used…

Calling for a debate on recording violence against police officers as a hate crime

Calling for a debate on recording violence against police officers as a hate crime

By Dr Irene Zempi, Lecturer in Criminology, Department of Sociology, Nottingham Trent University. Irene is a board member of Tell MAMA, Nottinghamshire Hate Crime Steering Group, and Leicestershire Police Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel. She is the co-author of the books: Islamophobia: Lived Experiences of Online and Offline Victimisation (Policy Press, 2016 with Dr Imran Awan)…

Recent Comments

  • Andrew: The legislation of a country regarding LGBTIQ+ persons also reflects how peaceful it is, e...
  • stuart morle: I'm here because I had raised a complaint with Facebook regarding the comment 'Yid invasio...
  • Mark Walters: You will need to contact the conference organisers directly. INHS Team
  • WJT: I'm glad you included "support" on the flowchart. When you've been accused of hatespeak, i...

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