A Virtual BSC #HCNet Series – Workshopping Critical Race Theory in British Criminology: Why the Outrage?

Wednesday 12 April 2023, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm BST, online (UK)


What role can a historical criminology platform have in matters of contemporary concern? Where do our contemporary concerns with topics such as anti-fascism, decolonization, gender, free speech, and critical race theory intersect with the multidisciplinary logics guiding criminological observance of historical methods, pedagogies, and wider community participatory action? @BSC’s #HCNet brings together a seminar series covering this multidisciplinary range of contemporary ideas, allowing attendees to ‘meet’ specialists virtually, taking the opportunity to interrogate the extent which history intersects with the contemporary. Our aim is to provide a platform to support rich discussion, with the chance to locate contemporary conversations within wider historical criminological interests, in academia and beyond.

Dr Esmorie Miller is a Lecturer in Criminology, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.

  • 12 April 2023, 4-5.30pm (BST)
  • Workshopping Critical Race Theory in British Criminology: Why the Outrage?

Provisional Programme

4— Welcome & virtual housekeeping

4.05—Chair’s Introduction

4.10—Speaker Presents

4.40—Chair Leads Q&A

5.25—Closing remarks

5.30—Session Closed

This event will be delivered via Zoom. You will receive the joining instructions in your confirmation email and again a few days before the event.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-bsc-hcnet-series-anti-fascism-decolonisation-critical-race-theory-tickets-414108428457

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