Hate Crime Roadshow

Tuesday 24 March 2015, 12-3pm, Wyre

The Wyre & Lancaster District Hate Crime Project, Independent Hate Crime Hub, Disability First and Smile Mediation are working together as Victims’ Voice to provide 4 Hate Crime Roadshows across Lancashire, funded by the Police & Crime Commissioner. The first of these 4 events, this event is open to communities and service providers to provide an opportunity to understand more about hate crime and the support available.

Attendees will:

  • Meet like-minded people who want to prevent hate-related incidents and support people that have experienced bullying and victimisation
  • Find out more about servies that can provide advice and support
  • Find out more about hate crimes and the impact they can have on individuals and communities

This event is taking pace at Marine Hall, The Esplanade, Wyre, FY7 6HF.

Find out more information and register for your free ticket here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/hate-crime-roadshow-tickets-16137128586?aff=es2

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