IDAHOBIT event with TfL, Stonewall, Galop and friends

To mark International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 2017, OUTbound, Transport for London’s LGBT+ network, invites you to our informative and engaging event.

The event will explore how we can encourage members of the LGBT+ community to report violence or hate crime they may experience or witness, and how we can work together to create greater tolerance, respect and support among London’s diverse communities.

The event will also include information on what hate crime covers, as there is often uncertainty about this. We hope the discussion will encourage higher reporting of such crimes, and ensure our law enforcement agencies are equipped to tackle issues facing the LGBT+ community.

You’ll hear from:

  • Nick Antjoule, Galop’s Hate Crime Manager
  • Rebecca Stinson, Stonewall’s Head of Trans Inclusion
  • Transport for London
  • A law enforcement representative

Register here.

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