Nottinghamshire’s Rainbow Heritage LGBT Training

Nottinghamshire’s Rainbow Herritage are delivering LGBT training which explores general LGBT awareness, as well as the nature, frequency, causes and effects of hate crime against LGBT people. The training also examines the reasons why LGBT hate crime is under-reported and deals with ways of overcoming the barriers to reporting. The course will include:

  • Getting familiar with what the “words” mean and using respectable language
  • Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia: What is it? Frequency, effects, myths and sterotypes
  • Negative laws and recent positive changes in the law – including your responsibilities under the Equality Act
  • Coming out: What it means, what it’s like to be “stuck in the closet”, what happens when you come out
  • Supporting victims of LGBT hate crime: Why these crimes are under-reported, how reporting can be encouraged
  • Making your organisation LGBT friendly

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