Restorative Justice: Driving Change for Victims, Offenders & Communities
Wednesday 20 January 2016, 11:00am – 15:30pm, London
Restorative Justice has become a mainstay of the criminal justice system. Victims of crime have access to a high quality restorative justice process with the aim of transforming the lives of victims, perpetrators and communities.
It has been two years since the last RJ action plan was published and since then there have been several developments in the criminal justice system such as the Transforming Rehabilitation programme and revisions to the Victims’ Code. Now is the opportune time to assess the current landscape, learn how to effectively use RJ to drive change in victims, offenders & communities and discuss current good practice.
Key issues to be addressed include:
- The current landscape and the Government’s vision for restorative justice
- The role of CRCs and the National Probation Service in delivering RJ
- Reducing re-offending through targeted, victim-centred restorative justice
- Making restorative justice an integral part of the criminal justice system
- The role of PCC’s in promoting and commissioning restorative justice
- Using restorative justice through community sentences
- Successfully operating in a payment-by-results system
- Enhancing access to restorative justice for victims, perpetrators & communities
- Revisions to the Victims’ Code & the future of restorative justice
- Examples of cohesive and successful joined-up working to restorative justice
- Systematically sharing information across multiple agencies to deliver a coordinated approach to restorative justice
Confirmed speakers for this event include:
- Kevin McGetrick, Victims Services Commissioner, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire
- Dr. Chamu Kuppuswamy, Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Hertfordshire
- Other speakers TBC
This event is taking place in Central London (Zone 1, Venue TBC).
Find out more information and register for your place here: