Sophie Lancaster Foundation ‘Black Roses’ Resources launch

On the 11th July 2018 The Sophie Lancaster Foundation will launch the new “Black Roses” drama based educational resource at the Darwen Aldridge Community Academy (DACA) at 6pm.

The Foundation received funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to develop both classroom and drama based resources for schools and colleges to use alongside the award winning film “Black Roses – The Killing of Sophie Lancaster”.

They have been working with an innovative theatre company based in Clitheroe. Ribcaged Productions has worked with the Foundation, professional actors and GCSE students at DACA to develop the exciting new resource that will explore issues around the impact of hate crime on individuals and in our communities.

The launch of the resource will be attended by the students and staff at DACA who will join VIP guests and Dignitaries.

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