Sussex Police Webchat on hate crime

Webchat 1

If you want to join us for the web chats, you can follow and post your questions and comments via the Sussex Police Facebook page, via Twitter by using the hashtag #HCAW15 or downloading the Periscope app.and following sussex_police.

The first web chat will be on Tuesday, October 13 between 1pm and 2pm and will feature: Peter Allan, Sussex Police Hate Crime Sergeant, Anne Phillips, Hate Crime Co-ordinator from the South East Region of the Crown Prosecution Service, Fiona Sharpe from the Jewish community, Beverley Smith, a co-ordinator from the Disability Hate Crime Network, PCSO Jamal Robinson, who is working with young black and minority ethnic communities in Brighton and Hove and Rob Rhodes-Kubiak, Principal Community Safety Officer, Vulnerable Individuals, West Sussex County Council.


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