Virtual Launch Event – Bristol Hate Crime & Discrimination Services Network and Launch

Thursday 3 March 2022, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm GMT, online (Bristol, UK)


Bristol Hate Crime & Discrimination Services (BHCDS), led by SARI with Brandon Trust, Bristol Law Centre, Bristol Mind, Off The Record and Resolve West invite you to the launch of their newly funded (by Bristol Impact Fund 2) Collaboration and to our first Network Meeting for local community groups, practitioners, community activists and allies who want to support us to tackle hate and discrimination.

Join us online, via Zoom on Thursday 3rd March 2022 from 9.30 to 1 pm to hear about the following:

  • Avon & Somerset Constabulary Force Hate Crime Lead, Superintendent Paul Wigginton will update about police activities and priorities for tackling hate and discrimination
  • Deputy Mayor, Councillor Asher Craig, who carries the Cabinet responsibility for Children’s Services, Education and Equalities will let you know why Bristol City Council fund Hate Crime & Discrimination Services and the other activities the Council are doing on this subject
  • Each of our partners will share via film, presentation, performance and Q&A the latest info on their specialist subject and the services they will be offering.
  • You will have a chance to learn, be updated and ask questions.

This is the first of our 6 monthly Network Meetings which we hope will bring together and offer support and solidarity to those who are on the ground with our communities and who are in the areas where hate and discrimination are highest.

We really want to encourage you to join us if you are living, studying, caring for someone or working in Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston, Bishopworth, Easton, Filwood, Frome Vale, Hartcliffe & Withywood, Henbury & Brentry, Hengrove & Whitchurch Park, Hillfields, Horfield, Knowle, Lawrence Hill, Lockleaze, St George, Southmead, Southville, Stockwood, Stoke Bishop or the City Centre. These are Bristol Impact Fund 2 Priority neighbourhoods.

We look forward to seeing our partners, comrades and allies. Together we can make a huge difference, we can prevent hate and discrimination, we can stop it, we can reduce the damage and harm caused when it does happen.


Find out ore information and book your free place here:

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