Webinar – Exploring Hate Incidents in Schools

Tuesday 22 February 2022, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm GMT, online (Wales)


This session explores, hate incidents in schools – Reporting, Recognising and Reporting.

Race Equality First (REF) has over 40 years of experience as the recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right.

We are experts in the field of race equality and advise the United Nations and the UK Government. REF is now the only Race Equality Council in Wales with the specific remit to address racial equality and we are one of the four remaining Race Equality Councils in the UK.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/exploring-hate-incidents-in-schools-tickets-244504528627

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