Webinar – Health, Hate, Housing & History: Lessons From Our Two Pandemics

Wednesday 3 March 2021, 6:00 pm PST, online (USA)


The intersection of systemic racism and the COVID-19 health crisis continue to expose the racial inequities created by so many of our institutions, including housing and community development. Join us to learn more about how the history of hate and exclusion often has intersected with health and also led to the disparities in outcomes that have given rise to today’s civil unrest. Can we envision a just future by remembering a history of exclusion? Log on to learn more about how housing discrimination and racial segregation have played a role in racial disparities showing up in the COVID-19 pandemic and driving the calls for justice on our streets today.

Join us to understand these connections in “Health, Hate, Housing and History: Lessons at the Intersection of Our Two Pandemics.” Presented by Allan Lazo, executive director of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO), a private non-profit civil rights organization with a mission to end housing discrimination and ensure equal access to housing in Oregon.

This event is sponsord by the Office of Community & Civic Life, Portland United Against Hate, Master Recyclers of Color, the Master Recycler program, and the City Repair Project.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/health-hate-housing-history-lessons-from-our-two-pandemics-tickets-136514323015?

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