Webinar – Racism, Hate, & Extremism Online x Digital Media Awareness/Interventions

Monday 14 June 2021, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT, online (Canada)


Over the last few years in Canada online propaganda that promotes racism, hate, and calls for violence have increased on social media, chat rooms, and encrypted alternative tech platforms. Recently, reinforced by ongoing physical distancing restrictions, children, youth, and young adults are spending more time online and are more vulnerable to receiving intentional misinformation led by lone actor and group inspired extremist groups in hopes to recruit them for their religious, ideological, and political extremist ideology.

On June 14th join the ETA team operated by Yorktown Family Services (Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Program) and MediaSmarts based in Ottawa for the next in our series of lunch and learns called Racism, Hate, and Extremism Online Social/Digital Media Awareness & Interventions

Topics covered will include:

  • 1.) The current state of racism, hate, and extremism online; misinformation, how algorithms spread hate, entry point sites, and stages of recruitment online.
  • 2.) Mental and Social Health vulnerability factors that may lead children, youth, and young adults to engage with hate, racism, and extremism online.
  • 3.) Interventions, tools, resources – countering misinformation, verifying information, talking about hate online with children, and youth, deconstructing hate online
  • 4.) How and where to get support for young people / future interventions.

This webinar is suitable for professionals who are working with children, youth and young adults including teachers, school administrators, law enforcement, social workers, youth workers, physicians, child welfare, healthcare staff, and legal services staff.

If you would like to learn more about the initiatives/programs presenting this webinar, please click the links below:


Please RSVP by using the Eventbrite link below. To all those who RSVP the event link will be sent you 24 hours prior to the event.


Find out more information and book your free place here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/racism-hate-extremism-online-x-digital-media-awarenessinterventions-tickets-154749037537?

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